Bonus System

How is the bonus calculated?

Customer card holders, in addition to the 3% discount, receive an additional bonus in the form of a voucher when they reach certain sales values. This will be sent automatically by letter at the beginning of the coming year. It is therefore important that you let us know with every purchase that you have a customer account with us.

If you have any questions, please contact an employee at

03522- 522 778 or send an email to:

step Sales amount Amount of the bonus voucher
1 500 - 999 € turnover 1.5% of the turnover
2 1000 - 1499 € turnover 2% of the turnover made
3 € 1,500- € 1,999 in sales 2.5% of the turnover
4 over € 2,000 turnover 3% of the turnover

E.g: With a turnover of 750 € you would receive a voucher of 1.5% in addition to the 3% discount, which corresponds to an amount of 11.25 €.

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